"""We show here how to extend a Style class to create a custom one and use it as default style."""
import pygame, math, thorpy as tp
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 700))
tp.set_default_font("arialrounded", 15)
tp.init(screen, tp.theme_human) #bind screen to gui elements and set theme
#here we will go from a lower level to make polygonal frame for buttons
class MyStyle(tp.styles.TextStyle):
bck_color = (150,150,150)
font_color = (250,250,250)
margins = (16,16)
def __init__(self):
self.thickness = 1
self.border_color = (0,0,0)
self.nframes = 1
self.frame_mod = 1 #mandatory frame_mod > 0 for animations
self.color_variation = 0.2
def generate_images(self, text, arrow=False):
surfaces = []
for i in range(self.nframes):
tmp = self.bck_color
self.bck_color = (0,0,0,0)
surface = tp.styles.TextStyle.generate_images(self, text, arrow)[0]
self.bck_color = tmp
if self.nframes > 1:
v = (1.-self.color_variation) + self.color_variation * math.sin(i*math.pi/self.nframes)
bck_color = [v*c for c in self.bck_color]
bck_color = self.bck_color
w,h = surface.get_size()
mx, my = self.margins
t = self.thickness
points = (0, my), (mx,0), (w-1,0), (w-1,h-my), (w-mx, h-1), (0,h-1)
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, bck_color[0:3], points)
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, self.border_color, points, t)
self.reblit_text(surface, text, arrow)
return surfaces
def copy(self):
c = super().copy()
#the properties that you added should be copied
c.thickness = self.thickness
c.border_color = self.border_color
c.nframes = self.nframes
c.frame_mod = self.frame_mod
return c
style_normal = MyStyle()
tp.Button.style_normal = style_normal
tp.Button.style_pressed = style_normal.copy()
tp.Button.style_locked = style_normal.copy()
tp.Button.style_hover = style_normal.copy()
tp.Button.style_hover.nframes = 30
tp.Button.style_hover.font_color = (255,0,0)
tp.Button.style_hover.border_color = (255,0,0)
tp.Button.style_hover.thickness = 5
# au lieu de border litteral, faire 2 polygones enchasses
# tp.TitleBox.style_normal = style_normal
button1 = tp.Button("Hello, world.\nThis is a useless button using my own style.")
button2 = tp.Button("A second one")
group = tp.Group([button1, button2], gap=50)
def before_gui(): #add here the things to do each frame before blitting gui elements
tp.call_before_gui(before_gui) #tells thorpy to call before_gui() before drawing gui.
#For the sake of brevity, the main loop is replaced here by a shorter but blackbox-like method
player = group.get_updater().launch()