
A GUI library for pygame

Examples - Alerts

Full code

The code below shows how to set up alerts (box appearing on the screen and delivering a message to the user). You can use blocking and non-blocking alerts, depending on your needs.

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"""Show how to launch alerts. 2 types of alerts are available: blocking and non-blocking. Both are presented below. """ import thorpy def my_alert_1(): thorpy.launch_nonblocking_alert(title="This is a non-blocking alert!", text="This is the text..", ok_text="Ok, I've read", font_size=12, font_color=(255,0,0)) print("Proof that it is non-blocking : this sentence is printing at exit!") def my_alert_2(): thorpy.launch_blocking_alert(title="This is a blocking alert!", text="This is the text of the alert...", parent=background) #for auto-unblitting print("This sentence will print only after you clicked ok") def my_launch(): some_element = thorpy.make_text("My text...", font_size=18) another_element = thorpy.make_button("Quit") box = thorpy.Box.make([some_element, another_element]) thorpy.set_as_done_button(another_element,box)#could be set_as_cancel_button thorpy.launch_nonblocking(box) #could also use thorpy.launch_blocking... application = thorpy.Application((500,500), "Launching alerts") button1 = thorpy.make_button("Non-blocking alert", func=my_alert_1) button2 = thorpy.make_button("Blocking alert", func=my_alert_2) button3 = thorpy.make_button("Launch element", func=my_launch) background = thorpy.Background(elements=[button1,button2,button3]), x=10, align="left") # put the menu on the left menu = thorpy.Menu(background) application.quit()