
A GUI library for pygame

Examples - Smoke, fire and explosion debris

Full code

We show here how to use smokes and debris generators. For this, we use this ship sprite.

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import pygame, math, random from pygame.math import Vector2 as V2 import thorpy def refresh(): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() e_ship.set_center(pos) #ship follows mouse # process smoke smokegen1.kill_old_elements() smokegen2.kill_old_elements() pressed = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if pressed[0]: #left mouse button smokegen1.generate(V2(pos)) elif pressed[2]: #left mouse button smokegen2.generate(V2(pos)) smokegen1.update_physics(V2(0)) smokegen2.update_physics(V2(0)) # process debris debrisgen.kill_old_elements(screen.get_rect()) debrisgen.update_physics(dt=0.1) # refresh screen e_background.blit() debrisgen.draw(thorpy.get_screen()) smokegen1.draw(screen) smokegen2.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() def make_debris(): angle = random.randint(0,360) #pick random angle spread = 15 #spread of debris directions debrisgen.generate( V2(pygame.mouse.get_pos()), #position n=20, #number of debris v_range=(10,50), #translational velocity range omega_range=(5,25), #rotational velocity range angle_range=(angle-spread,angle+spread)) ## ############################################################################## app = thorpy.Application((400,400), "Effects") smokegen1 = thorpy.fx.get_smokegen(n=50, color=(200,200,255), grow=0.6) smokegen2 = thorpy.fx.get_fire_smokegen(n=50, color=(200,255,155), grow=0.4) debrisgen = thorpy.fx.get_debris_generator(duration=200, #nb. frames before die color=(100,100,100), max_size=10) e_ship = thorpy.Image("../documentation/examples/boat_example.png", colorkey=(255,255,255)) if thorpy.constants.CAN_SHADOWS: #set shadow, {"target_altitude":5, "shadow_radius":3, "sun_angle":40, "alpha_factor":0.6}) e_background = thorpy.Background(, elements=[e_ship]) reac_time = thorpy.ConstantReaction(thorpy.constants.THORPY_EVENT, refresh, {"id":thorpy.constants.EVENT_TIME}) reac_space = thorpy.ConstantReaction(pygame.KEYDOWN, make_debris, {"key":pygame.K_SPACE}) e_background.add_reactions([reac_time, reac_space]) screen = thorpy.get_screen() infotext = "Press SPACE to spawn debris\n"+\ "LMB and RMB to spawn smokes\n"+\ "and move the mouse to move the boat." thorpy.launch_blocking_alert("Commands", infotext) menu = thorpy.Menu(e_background) pygame.key.set_repeat(30,30) app.quit()