
A GUI library for pygame

Examples - Submenus

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import thorpy ##Declaration of the application in which the menu is going to live. application = thorpy.Application(size=(500, 500)) ##Setting the graphical theme. By default, it is 'classic' (windows98-like). ###thorpy.theme.set_theme('human') ##Declaration of some elements... useless1 = thorpy.Element("This button is useless.\nAnd you can't click it.") useless1.set_pressed_state() #so user knows he can't click useless1.scale_to_content() text = "This button also is useless.\nBut you can click it anyway." useless2 = thorpy.make_button(text) draggable = thorpy.Draggable("Drag me!") draggable.scale_to_content() box1 = thorpy.make_ok_box([useless1, useless2, draggable]) options1 = thorpy.make_button("Some useless things...") thorpy.set_launcher(options1, box1) inserter = thorpy.Inserter(name="Tip text: ", value="This is a default text.", size=(150, 20)) file_browser = thorpy.Browser(path="C:/Users/", text="Please have a look.") browser_launcher = thorpy.BrowserLauncher(browser=file_browser, const_text="Choose a file: ", var_text="") browser_launcher.scale_to_title() color_setter = thorpy.ColorSetter.make() color_launcher = thorpy.ColorSetterLauncher(color_setter, "Launch color setter") options2 = thorpy.make_button("Useful things") box2 = thorpy.make_ok_box([inserter, color_launcher, browser_launcher]) thorpy.set_launcher(options2, box2) quit_button = thorpy.make_button("Quit") quit_button.set_as_exiter() central_box = thorpy.Box.make([options1, options2, quit_button]) central_box.set_main_color((200, 200, 200, 120)) ##Declaration of a background element - include your own path! background = thorpy.Background(, elements=[central_box]) menu = thorpy.Menu(elements=background, fps=45) application.quit()